
001 2020/01/09(木) 18:06:50 ID:Di3JLxh9cY

While Iranian regime affiliates and state media describe Soleimani as “Iran’s Che Guevara, the love of the Supreme Leader and Iran lover,” many ordinary Iranians have celebrated his death. Iranians on social media have been thanking President Trump by posting photos and videos of their happiness and using hashtags mocking Soleimani. Moreover, Syrians have also been celebrating the death of Soleimani, seeing him as the main person responsible for the devastating Syrian civil war and the death of Syrian children.
Mana Nistani, an Iranian cartoonist’s view on the killing of Qasem Soleimani.
Mass majority of Iranians hated Qasem Soleimani as he was brutal against people not just in Iran but also across the region. pic.twitter.com/53RcgvNdxJ
? Raman Ghavami (@Raman_Ghavami) January 3, 2020
Soleimani might be described as a hero by the Iranian regime and its affiliates, but ordinary Iranians know that Soleimani was a murderer. His death has given hope to people in Iran who want to see the end of the regime.
Raman Ghavami (@Raman_Ghavami) is an analyst based in London and the Middle East. He is currently working for a consultancy firm based in the United Kingdom with a focus on insurgency and counterinsurgency.





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