The Return of the Barter Economy, Swapping Eggs for Toilet Paper
Since the beginning of March, unattended folding tables have begun popping up at intersections and the end of people’s driveways,
offering everyday goods like rice, a jar of jam or bread. Take what you need and leave what you can, the signs say.
Barter, the trade system prevalent in the Middle Ages, is back in the time of coronavirus pandemic, with a modern twist.
Social networks Facebook and Nextdoor are flooded with posts from neighbors and friends seeking to swap eggs for toilet paper. Small and midsized businesses,
whose cash trade has dried up from the economic fallout of shelter-in-place orders, are turning to online barter exchanges.
“When cash is extra tight, it behooves us to buy as much as possible on trade,” said David Yusen, director of business development for Seattle-based Heavy Restaurant Group,
which recently bought 56 cases of Malbec wine for $15,000 worth of barter credits. The company’s 10 restaurants have closed,
but some locations will start offering pick-up and delivery this week. “It saves us money, it helps cash flow.”
In normal times, the roughly 200 barter exchanges in the U.S. let roofers fix leaks and get paid in restaurant takeouts or accounting services. With tens of millions of Americans under lockdowns,
those cash-free trade systems are seeing an influx in participants.
シアトルを拠点とするHeavy Restaurant Groupの事業開発担当ディレクターであるDavid Yusenは最近、1万5,000ドル相当のバータークレジットでマルベックワインを56ケース購入しました。
同社の10軒のレストランは閉店しましたが、今週から一部の場所で集配が開始されます。 「それは私たちにお金を節約し、それはキャッシュフローを助けます。」

Since the beginning of March, unattended folding tables have begun popping up at intersections and the end of people’s driveways,
offering everyday goods like rice, a jar of jam or bread. Take what you need and leave what you can, the signs say.
Barter, the trade system prevalent in the Middle Ages, is back in the time of coronavirus pandemic, with a modern twist.
Social networks Facebook and Nextdoor are flooded with posts from neighbors and friends seeking to swap eggs for toilet paper. Small and midsized businesses,
whose cash trade has dried up from the economic fallout of shelter-in-place orders, are turning to online barter exchanges.
“When cash is extra tight, it behooves us to buy as much as possible on trade,” said David Yusen, director of business development for Seattle-based Heavy Restaurant Group,
which recently bought 56 cases of Malbec wine for $15,000 worth of barter credits. The company’s 10 restaurants have closed,
but some locations will start offering pick-up and delivery this week. “It saves us money, it helps cash flow.”
In normal times, the roughly 200 barter exchanges in the U.S. let roofers fix leaks and get paid in restaurant takeouts or accounting services. With tens of millions of Americans under lockdowns,
those cash-free trade systems are seeing an influx in participants.
シアトルを拠点とするHeavy Restaurant Groupの事業開発担当ディレクターであるDavid Yusenは最近、1万5,000ドル相当のバータークレジットでマルベックワインを56ケース購入しました。
同社の10軒のレストランは閉店しましたが、今週から一部の場所で集配が開始されます。 「それは私たちにお金を節約し、それはキャッシュフローを助けます。」

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