AT&Tが "エアポートネットワーク "の売却という形で重荷を下ろしたいのではないかとの噂がまたもや渦巻いています。
umors are swirling once again that AT&T may be looking to shed some dead weight in the form of selling the “Airport Network.”
A recent report in the Wall Street Journal stated that CNN was on track to miss revenue targets by a massive $100-120 million this year, a figure significant in both dollar value and as a percentage of revenue for a network expected to bring in just under $800 million in ad revenue this year.
Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Fox Business’ Charles Gasparino pointed out that in addition to the network already struggling to hit revenue targets, if the media-projected election results do materialize, they risk losing the segment of their audience chronically suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. “CNN [would] not have Donald Trump to kick around anymore and their ratings will take a hit.”
“This rumor is real,” he said. “AT&T is a screwed up company and…CNN like a lot of media companies, it may have hit its peak, hating Trump.” And of course, any talk of CNN’s viewership peaking needs to be viewed in context of the fact that children’s cartoon reruns routinely beat the network in primetime.
Meanwhile, parent company AT&T has $150 billion in debt and needs to cut costs. Selling CNN would allow them to both pay down debt and shift the embarrassment of owning CNN to someone else. There are reports of the activist investors Elliot Advisors, who own a 1.2% equity interest in AT&T, started pushing them to divest from CNN back in August.

umors are swirling once again that AT&T may be looking to shed some dead weight in the form of selling the “Airport Network.”
A recent report in the Wall Street Journal stated that CNN was on track to miss revenue targets by a massive $100-120 million this year, a figure significant in both dollar value and as a percentage of revenue for a network expected to bring in just under $800 million in ad revenue this year.
Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Fox Business’ Charles Gasparino pointed out that in addition to the network already struggling to hit revenue targets, if the media-projected election results do materialize, they risk losing the segment of their audience chronically suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. “CNN [would] not have Donald Trump to kick around anymore and their ratings will take a hit.”
“This rumor is real,” he said. “AT&T is a screwed up company and…CNN like a lot of media companies, it may have hit its peak, hating Trump.” And of course, any talk of CNN’s viewership peaking needs to be viewed in context of the fact that children’s cartoon reruns routinely beat the network in primetime.
Meanwhile, parent company AT&T has $150 billion in debt and needs to cut costs. Selling CNN would allow them to both pay down debt and shift the embarrassment of owning CNN to someone else. There are reports of the activist investors Elliot Advisors, who own a 1.2% equity interest in AT&T, started pushing them to divest from CNN back in August.

CNN(Cable News Network)は、ワーナーメディアの一部門であるワーナー・メディア・ニュース・スポーツが所有するアメリカ合衆国のケーブルテレビおよび衛星放送向けのニュースチャンネルである。
1982年、CNNはテレビ朝日と提携した。 この提携はテレビ朝日にとって、海外ニュースの速報性に威力を発揮する事に繋がった。実際にCNNのニュースソースを用いてチャレンジャー号爆発事故やアメリカ同時多発テロ事件などで速報性の高い報道を行い、

1982年、CNNはテレビ朝日と提携した。 この提携はテレビ朝日にとって、海外ニュースの速報性に威力を発揮する事に繋がった。実際にCNNのニュースソースを用いてチャレンジャー号爆発事故やアメリカ同時多発テロ事件などで速報性の高い報道を行い、
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